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  • We are a great team behind great works

    Our team has a
    rich combination of consulting service experience.

    Our consultants have integrated into the markets they serve. We are realistic, practical and commercial. Join us and we will make it happen.

    A strong dedication to superior industry standards in relation to finished product quality, construction methodology, innovation, time performance, safety, and customer relationship.

    "A team with experience and vision"

    We believe that companies are not defined by their areas of expertise, but by their experts. We are a global network of experts in overcoming challenges in project management. The result is a totally individual collective force.

    "We are the sum of our people"

    Thanks to our openness to the world, Acerta has an international appeal that broadens its vision: its multidisciplinary and multicultural composition amplifies approaches, enriches creativity and nurtures the realization of each project.

    Want to be part of our team?

    Our locations

    Our team has a rich combination of consulting service experience.

    Spain: +34 911342860
    France: +33 0149109049
    Mexico: +52 55339517
    Colombia +57 3207199315
    Brazil +55 11982655151
    Algeria: +213 216361 46

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